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Financial institutions often leverage the financial resources and influence they gain from managing your money to fund social and political agendas that run contrary to your values. At United Ethos, we unite premium financial services with a commitment to your values. It's not an either-or; with us, you get both. This is our ethos.

About Us

Our Process

Your financial journey is as unique as you are, and it's likely to evolve over time. That's why our process is customized to suit your individual needs, goals, and preferences. Whether you start with comprehensive financial planning or simply need your investments managed, we adapt our services to fit you—both now and as your needs change.

Values & Beliefs

Family, community, and ethical integrity are the cornerstones of our practice. We believe in doing things the right way, not the easy way. We believe in timeless principles that have stood the test of time.

The 10% Promise:

Where Profit Fuels Purpose. Investing in your future, honoring your values We're committed to making a meaningful, not just symbolic, impact on the causes that resonate with you. That's why we're proud to introduce our 10% Promise.


High Achievers, Humble Hearts. We're more than just a team; we're united by a shared ethos that values individual freedom and the genuine commitment to serve the financial needs of clients who feel overlooked by mainstream financial institutions.

How can we help?

Find out how we can help you reach your financial goals.

Meet our team

Values & Beliefs

Traditional Values

Faith, family, community, and ethical integrity are the cornerstones of our practice. We are motivated by a passionate pursuit of the American dream, accessible to all races and ethnicities, and are dedicated to the patriotic conservation of traditional American values. Our commitment extends to upholding our Constitution and safeguarding the inalienable rights endowed by our Creator, ensuring personal liberty for all. We believe in doing things the right way, not the easy way, and in preserving the work ethic that has long stood as a pillar of our great nation. 


Values-Driven Investing & Decision-Making

Every dollar you invest casts multiple votes. Whether it’s through the firm managing your assets or through products and services they utilize, your votes are often supporting policies that intentionally oppose your values, beliefs, and personal liberty. From lobbying to practices that disadvantage small businesses, to discriminatory hiring and silencing employees with traditional values, these firms wield your money as a weapon against you. We present a robust alternative to this overpowering culture that makes your “votes” count. Our strategies are meticulously crafted to counteract their dominance, ensuring your investments champion your values.


Judeo-Christian Guiding Principles

You don't need to be a person of faith to work with us, but we're openly influenced by Judeo-Christian values. That doesn't mean you won't find any flaws in us; in fact, our flaws remind us of our reliance on God’s mercy and grace. For example, the Christians on our staff acknowledge their imperfections and humbly accept the unearned grace given to them through Christ. Though imperfect vessels, we strive to honor Him by aligning our business with a higher purpose, seeking to embody the principles of love, integrity, and service in every interaction. If you're interested in having our flawed but passionate Founder speak to your church or other organization, please contact us at info@unitedethos.com



Reducing the influence of large financial institutions is merely the beginning. We're not just defunding agendas that don’t align with our values; we're proactively funding causes that do. We staunchly believe that true virtue isn’t merely paying taxes under the threat of legal consequences but actively and voluntarily contributing to causes that matter. Imagine if people dedicated as much time and resources to personally aiding causes they believe in as they do advocating for others to pay more taxes or for more government assistance – a multitude of problems would be effectively addressed. We choose to be active, not passive, in our charitable efforts, recognizing that the government is a notoriously poor allocator of capital. Review our 10% Promise to see how we're committed to creating a positive impact that resonates with your values and priorities."


Personal Empowerment and Responsibility

We champion individual responsibility, hard work, and self-reliance. Our strategies are designed to empower you, not just manage your assets. We advocate for limited government intrusion and low taxes, focusing on strategies that let you keep more of what you earn. Moreover, we understand that every investor is unique, and therefore, we offer a variety of strategies to suit diverse needs and preferences. Our commitment is to guide you through exploring these options, ensuring that the path chosen is not only financially rewarding but also intrinsically aligned with your values and objectives.


Financial Security & Stability

Your financial security is our top priority. We focus on building a foundation of durable strategies while also incorporating cutting-edge and innovative solutions to protect and grow your wealth.


Patriotism & Support for Service Members

We proudly display our love for our country and extend our support to the military and to first responders.


Individual Freedom & Respectful Collaboration

Our advisors are not afraid that expressing their values and opinions will cost them their careers. Unlike large financial institutions, we neither restrict nor force their speech. Our mission is to empower our advisors to be authentically themselves, aligned with our shared core values. This fosters a team that is genuinely diverse in thought and perspective, not just in surface-level attributes, allowing us to cater to a wide range of client needs without compromising on principles. While our advisors and staff may not agree on everything, we are united by a spirit of free speech and authenticity, embracing a culture where respectful disagreements can coexist with collaborative synergy.


Fiduciary Duty

As fiduciaries, we pledge to act in your best interest. This is not just a legal requirement for us; it's a moral one.